The Board Members

Home The Board Members

The Board Members

Photo of some of the board members: from right: Drs. A Kolias, K Hongp, A Ammar, V. Beneš, A. Grotenhuis, F Tomasello and L. Franconeri

Honarary President:

Prof. S. Kobayashi


Prof. André Grotenhuis

Vice President: 

Prof. Francesco Tomasello

General Secretary:

Prof. Ahmed Ammar

Education and outreach Officer: 

Dr. Angelos Kolias

Scientific Research Coordinator:

Prof. Vladimír Beneš

Technology Development Coordinator: 

Prof. Kazuhiro Hongo

International Liaison Officer: 

Prof. Miguel Arraez

Communications and Public Service:

Mrs. L. Franconeri

Board member at Large: 

Prof. Isabelle Germano

Board member at Large: 

Prof. Yoko Kato

Board member at Large: 

Prof. Fady Charbel

Board member at Large: 

Prof. Christopher Loftus

Board member at Large: 

Prof. Atul Goel